The labels follow Paco Roncero, but he always makes sure to run faster. So often, that doubts arise: How is it possible to be so many things at the same time? Can a single person reach everything? Does he hire doubles? Is he able to unfold? Does he have twin brothers? Is Roncero a replicant?

Maybe we will never know Paco truth. However, his achievements and journey stages seem clear:

He studied at Escuela de Hostelería y Turismo in Madrid. And he did his stages in Zalacaín and the Hotel Ritz.

He is Executive Chef and Director at the NH Collection Casino in Madrid, La Terraza del Casino, Estado Puro (Madrid), Estado Puro (Shanghai), La Canica, Versión Original (Bogotá), Pata Negra (Cartagena de Indias) y Sublimotion.

He obtained Chef L’Avenir 2005 award.
He got the 2006 National Gastronomy Award.
His constellation, at the moment, accumulates 2 Michelin Stars.
He “tans” with Three Repsol Suns.

He has no gavel, but is Judge in Master Chef Colombia and Top Chef Spain.
He is a congressman in different schools and international gastronomic meetings. He is the author of the books; “Tapas y Gastronomía del S.XXI”, “Bocadillos y Ensaladas”, “Tapas en Estado Puro” and “Correr, Cocinar y Ser Feliz”. He created the PacoRonceroTaller. He promoted the development of the “Gestor de Cocina” (Kitchen Manager) software. . He run with Running Chefs and Sport Cooking. He sweated in the half IronMan at Bilbao and Malaga. He can be found every other year, in the NY Marathon.

See curriculum

Paco, in the social networks